Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mental Health Intensive Case Management Program - 1342 Words

The Mental Health Intensive Case Management program (MHICM) was created to improve the quality of life for people dealing with severe mental illness. Also to helped build skills that one can use to live successfully in the community at large. Veterans who are referred to MHICM are male and female range in age from there early twenty’s to their eighties. Unfortunately the main diagnosed for many of these veterans is schizophrenia and other severe mood disorders. â€Å"No one symptom or sign is found in all individuals; rather, the final diagnosis rest upon the total symptom picture† (E. Fuller Torrey, 2001) Veterans who are in the program, suffer from a wide range of complex needs such as finding food, shelter and clothing†¦show more content†¦One major tenant of the program is recovery and recovery oriented treatments. Due to the nature of the mental illness that the veteran is suffering from their needs may be judge on a more in-depth assessment of the ve teran. Case Mangers will on average personally visit a veteran two to three times a week. This is done so that the veteran who has issues coming to a VA facility won’t have to miss treatment. Case Mangers depending on the severity of illness will commit to a more intensive case management services. This would be done if a veteran is in a process of detrition if all are in agreement who are motoring the veteran. Case Manager and psychiatrist who hold daily rounds will review the veterans chart a proper course of action. Assessment and treatment data will be reviewed and analyzed by leadership to determine if program would be effective. . Intensive case management is characterized by a multidimensional approach by which many outreach services are in the community of the veteran who

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